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XTM Connect – Adobe Experience Manager

Creating a configuration folder in CRXDE Lite (optional)

A configuration folder is required for the XTM Cloud connector, in Adobe Experience Manager. We recommend that you use the default configuration folder, which is created when you create a site.

Example: in the WKND demo app, these folders are present:

  • /apps/wknd: application files

  • /content/wknd: content for the application

  • /conf/wknd: configurations for the application

    (A property, cq:conf, is defined for the /content/wknd folder that points to /conf/wknd as a conf folder.)

You only need additional configuration folders if you have multiple instances of the XTM Cloud connector. To create one, use the Adobe Experience Manager CRXDE Lite tool.

To configure a configuration folder in CRXDE Lite:
  1. Log in to Adobe Experience Manager.

  2. In the Navigation screen, select the Tools icon on the left.

  3. In the list on the left, select the General option.

  4. In the General screen, select the CRXDE Lite icon.

  5. Select the Packages icon. The CRXDE Lite screen is displayed.

  6. On the left, select the cross icon to the left of the conf folder name. The contents of the conf folder are displayed.

  7. To copy an existing folder, such as we.retail, right-click on it, in the conf folder. A context menu is displayed.

  8. In the context menu, select Copy.

  9. Right-click on the conf folder. A context menu is displayed.

  10. In the context menu, select Paste. A copy of the existing folder is pasted into the conf folder, at the top level. The copied folder's name has the prefix Copy of to distinguish it from the original folder.

  11. Right-click on the copied folder. A context menu is displayed.

  12. In the context menu, select Rename. The folder name is displayed in a text box.

  13. Change the folder name to a suitable unique name and press Enter.

    Result: The folder name is changed.

You can now configure Adobe Experience Manager Translation Cloud Services for XTM Cloud, to enable translation content to be sent to XTM Cloud for translation.