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XTM Connect – Adobe Experience Manager

Translation workflow for content in Live Copies

Once you have set up the recommended content repository structure for your translation content, the translation content can be sent for translation.

To arrange translation for content in a specific source language language:

  1. In Adobe Experience Manager, create the main language master content in the files in the relevant <language-master sub-folder> (identified by a language code). This will be the source language for translation.

  2. Create Live Copies for the required target languages.

  3. Store these Live Copy language files in the relevant language-specific language copy folders.

  4. Create a translation project for the content in the Live Copies.

  5. Use XTM Cloud connector to send the content in the Live copies for translation in XTM Cloud.

  6. After translation, synchronize the changes, including translated content, in the Live Copies. These will now differ from the original source files in the <language-master> folder, and contain translated content.