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XTM Connect – Adobe Experience Manager

Uploading the installation package

Once you have obtained the XTM Cloud connector installation package from XTM International Support, upload it to Adobe Experience Manager for installation:

  1. Log in to Adobe Experience Manager.

  2. In the Navigation screen, select the Tools icon on the left.

  3. In the Tools screen, select the Deployment option in the menu on the left.

  4. Select the Packages icon. The CRX Package Manager, containing a list of installed installation packages, is displayed.

  5. Select Upload Package. The Upload Package popup is displayed.

  6. Select the Browse button. The Downloads folder on your local computer is displayed.

  7. In the Downloads folder popup, find the installation package that you want to upload.

  8. Select OK.

    Result: The package will be uploaded to Adobe Experience Manager and displayed in the CRX Package Manager list.

  9. Now install the package.