Tasks tab
In this tab, you can browse, open, and manage all the tasks in the system. By default, you see a list of all tasks with several filters above the table. Columns display information about clients, language combinations, finances, dates, responsible PM, and task status.
You can select another view or create a new one by clicking on the View dropdown list. For details, see the Smart views article.

Click on a task to open the related Smart project or the Classic task display. To open a Classic task in edit mode, click the
icon in the last column.
Click the Export button in the top right-hand corner to download the list of tasks in a CSV file.
If you select one or several checkboxes in the left-hand column, two additional buttons will be displayed above the tasks list.
(For Classic tasks only) Click the Multiple Change button to make changes to several tasks at once. For more details, see the Use the Multiple Change option guide.
Click the Add Invoice button to create an invoice for the selected tasks. If you select one or several tasks for the same client, you will be directed to the Client Invoice page. For more details, see the Client invoice page section. If you select tasks for different clients, the invoices will be automatically created with the Not Ready status.
Right-click on the task line to open a dropdown menu of the applicable actions.