Workflow Directories section
In this section, you can overview the file directories created on the server for the selected task and manage their content.

In the folder tree on the left, you can see all the folders created for this task. To display the folder content, click on its name in the tree.
You cannot rename or delete the server’s directories or folders in the Home Portal.
Here you can:
select the files and click the Selection button to open a dropdown menu of file-related actions:
Synchronize the files between XTRF and the server.
Download or Download as ZIP.
Upload files.
Delete files.
Refresh files.
Move to Bundle – assign selected files to a bundle (see the Manage bundles guide).
click the Folder button to open a dropdown menu of folder-related actions:
Synchronize the folder content between XTRF and the server.
Download as ZIP.
Upload files.
Delete files.
Create Directory – add a subfolder.
Move to Bundle – assign the whole folder to a bundle or create a new one (see the Manage bundles guide).
Refresh the folder.
Available actions in both Selection and Folder menus depend on the folder type.
click the Upload File to add new files to the folder (available in the task’s Input Files and job and task Output Files folders).
click the Up button to go up one level in the folder tree structure.
change the way the folder content is displayed by clicking the Customize button (see the Customize a workflow directory guide).
To find out how to customize directories and output file names, see the Workflow Definitions (Classic) article.