Billing Address subtab (Clients)
In this tab, you can enter the main contact information for the client.

Enter the billing address details.
Select the CC in E-mails to Contact Person checkbox to make sure the copies of all e-mails to the contact person are sent to the main e-mail address.
Select the Disallow CRM E-mails checkbox if the client does not want to receive CRM e-mails.
Enter additional e-mails.
Select the Use for CC 2/3 checkboxes if you want to send copies of the XTRF-generated e-mails to those additional e-mails.
Enter the address of the client’s website(s).
In the Account on Client’s Server field, enter the client's FTP address, server's domain name, login name, and password.
To find out how to add address-related values to the system, see the Add a country or territory and Add a state or province guide.