Group page
Each group has its own page on which you can view its status and assigned categories, clients, financial statistics, and linked projects and quotes.

On the group page, you can:
change the group name.
You cannot change the group ID. However, you can configure the numbering scheme for project groups in the
Configuration menu > Templates > Numbering Schemes.
add and remove clients in the Client card. Each group must have at least one client assigned. To add a client, click the + icon. To remove a client, click the x icon.
Clients are not imported automatically from linked projects and quotes. Therefore, adding or deleting a project or quote will have no impact on the Client card and vice versa.
add or edit notes in the Notes card.
change the group status. The status can be:
Open – you can add projects and quotes and edit clients and finances.
Closed – you cannot make any changes to the group.
add categories. You can create categories that will be specific for groups and use them to sort and mark your groups in the
Configuration menu > System Values: Advanced > Categories. For details, see the Add a category guide.
change the group currency. Click the
icon in the top right-hand corner and then the Change Group Currency button.
The default currency is the Home Portal's base system currency. All currency changes are made according to the latest data from the Open Exchange Rates service. All the amounts in project groups are calculated dynamically based on the actual exchange rate; therefore, the numbers can vary daily. To find out more about exchange rates, see the Change the source of currency exchange rates and Add a currency guides.
set the group budget.
Set the group budget. If you have a preset budget for a group of projects, you can monitor its usage in the Budget Usage section. To add or change the budget, click the
icon in the top right-hand corner of the Budget Usage section and enter the sum.
enter linked projects and quotes by clicking on their lines in the respective tables.
link new projects and quotes to this group:
For groups without linked projects or quotes, click the Link Projects or Link Groups buttons in the middle of the screen.
For groups with projects and quotes, click the Link Project or Link Quote buttons in the Linked Projects/Quotes cards.
unlink projects and quotes. To do so, select the project or quote in the Linked Project/Quotes card and click the Unlink Project/Quote buttons above the project/quote list.
delete the group by clicking the
icon in the top right-hand corner and selecting Delete.
edit several linked projects or quotes simultaneously. For details, see the Edit several projects or quotes at once (Multiple change) guide.