Price Profile section (Clients)
In this section, you can configure the basic settings of the client's price profile.

Switch between the existing price profiles of this client in the Name dropdown list.
Select the Default CAT tool for this price profile.
Select the way the Default TM Rates Type will be presented. They can be calculated as a percentage or as a fixed rate.
Fixed TM rates are hard to maintain throughout the system. Every time you change the basic rate, you will have to manually reenter the TM rates for each language combination.
Check and change the translation memory rates for different CAT Tools in the TM Rates section.
Select the vendors this client prefers to work with in the Preferred Vendors section.
Select the vendors this client does not want to work with in the Excluded Vendors section.
To use the information form those two sections, you need to create a custom Select Vendor view with Preferred by Client (Specific Price Profile) and Not excluded by Client (Specific Price Profile) filters. For details, see the Smart views article.
Add another price profile or edit the current one by clicking the Add price profile or Edit price profile buttons.
Delete the current price profile by clicking the Delete price profile button.
Set the current price profile as a default one by clicking the Set as Default button.