Mailboxes tab
This tab can be used as an e-mail client for the mailboxes synchronized with the XTRF Home Portal.

Here you can:
navigate through your mailboxes and subfolders in the folder structure column on the left.
search through e-mails, using the filters.
create new e-mails by clicking the Add button above the e-mails list.
check the e-mail content in the Selected message section at the bottom of the page.
check and edit the e-mail associations.
Associations with clients are created automatically based on addresses from the e-mails. To change them or add new ones, click the icon in the Edit column. An Associations popup window is displayed. In it, you can switch between Projects, Tasks, Jobs, Quotes, Clients, and Client invoices and add them by clicking on the required entity.

For details of how to add a mailbox to the Home Portal, see the Add your personal mailbox to the Home Portal account guide.
For details of other e-mail settings, see the Configure e-mail settings guide.