Quotes subtab
In the Quotes tab, you can view and manage the quotes connected to the currently logged-in user or add new ones.

Use the filters on the left to narrow down the search.
Edit the view or create a new one in the View dropdown menu. For details, see the Classic views article.
Click on a quote to enter this quote display, or click the
icon to enter it in edit mode.
Click the Add button to create a new quote. For details, see the Add a quote guide.
Check the quote status in the Status column:
Accepted – the client and the salesperson agreed on the quote.
Accepted by Client – the quote has been accepted by the client and is waiting for the salesperson’s response.
Pending – the quote has been created or edited by the salesperson but not submitted for the client’s review.
Requested – the client has created a quote in the Client Portal and is waiting for a response from the salesperson.
Rejected – the quote has been rejected by either the client or the salesperson.
The salesperson created a quote and sent it for the client’s review.
(For quotes with automated quote sending enabled) the external system recalculated the CAT receivable, and the quote has been sent automatically. To find out more about automated quote sending, see the Configure the Automatic PO Sending guide.