Client Invoices tab
In this tab, you can browse, add, open, and manage available invoices. By default, you see a list of all invoices with several filters above the table. Columns display information about clients, task value, net total and unpaid amounts, invoices, and payment statuses.
You can select another view or create a new one by clicking on the View dropdown list. For details, see the Smart views article.
Views with presorted invoices (Invoices to be paid, Not ready, Overdue, Ready pro forma) are available in the View dropdown menu.

To add a client invoice, click the Add Task-based Client Invoice button. Click the
icon next to this button to add a prepayment-based or empty client invoice. For details, see the Create a client invoice guide.
To open an invoice, click on its line in the list. To open an invoice in edit mode, click the
icon in the last column. For details, see the Client invoice page section.
To preview or download an invoice, click the
icon in the last column.
To download the list of invoices in a CSV file, click the Export button.
If you select one or several checkboxes in the left-hand column, additional buttons are displayed above the list of invoices.
Click the Download button to open an invoice in PDF format or download several invoices in a ZIP file.
Click the Duplicate button to create another invoice with the same details except for tasks, tasks value, and dates.
Click the Send Reminders button to send e-mails about unpaid invoices.
The content of the reminder is defined by the template selected in
Configuration menu > Templates > Notifications > Templates tab for the E-mail/Text Message to Client: When client is reminded about a delayed payment event. For more information about the notification templates, see the Templates – Notifications article.
Click the Mark as Fully Paid button to change the payment status of the selected invoices. The Mark as Fully Paid popup window is displayed.
(For invoices in Not Ready status) Click the Delete button to delete the selected invoice.
(For invoices in Ready or Sent statuses) Click the Issue a Credit Note button to make corrections to the already issued invoice. For details, see the Add a credit note guide.
If you select several invoices, only the Download, Send Reminders, and Mark as Fully Paid additional buttons are available.
If pro forma client invoices are allowed in the
Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Client Settings > Payment Terms tab > Invoice Dates section, an additional button with a dropdown menu, Add Task-based Client Pro Forma Invoice, will be displayed.
Right-click on the invoice to open a dropdown menu of the applicable actions.
Hover over the headers of the payment and value-related columns and click the icon to open the Column Sum popup window. Here you can check the value of all entities listed in this view in different currencies and in the base system currency.