Jobs card
This card displays a detailed overview of all jobs in the project. In it, you can perform job-related actions.

The jobs are marked with different colors according to their status:
Blue for Open.
Light blue for Accepted.
Orange for Started.
Green for Ready.
Gray for Canceled.
The same color marking is applied in the Process card and step side panel.
Jobs with issues, such as start delays or overlapping, are marked with the sign. Hover over this sign to see what the issue is.

In the Jobs card, you can:
filter jobs by language using the Languages filter in the top right-hand corner.
enable the Automatic Job Dates and Automatic PO Sending automations. For details, see the Configure Automatic Job Dates and Configure the Automatic PO Sending guides.
expand the Jobs card by clicking the
open the step side panel by clicking on a job. For details, see the Step side panel section.
perform several job actions. Select the box(es) in the first column and open the Job Actions dropdown menu. The list of available actions will depend on the job status and job details. For example, you cannot delete or send offers for an Accepted job or send a purchase order for a job without payables.
From the Job Actions menu, you can:
select a vendor (this action is described in the Process card section).
send job offers (this action is described in the Process card section).
send advanced job offers via the Job Offers app (see the Advanced Job Offers documentation).
select the planned start and deadline dates.
share files with selected jobs. The Share Files with… popup window is displayed. Select the necessary files. Then select the appropriate radio button to specify whether they are to be shared as work or reference files. Click the Share Files button.
stop sharing files with selected jobs. The Stop Sharing files with… popup window is displayed. Select the files you do not want to share with this job and click the Stop Sharing Files button.
send purchase orders for the selected jobs.
edit and send the e-mail that goes with the purchase order. The E-mail Test popup window is displayed. In it, you can edit the e-mail content.
preview the purchase order.
split one job into several. The Split job popup window is displayed. In it, you can select the splitting method.
For jobs with a single language combination, only the Use the same languages for the new job option is available.
delete the job.
switch to the Schedule view, in which you can preview and modify jobs on the timeline. Click on the
icon and select Schedule from the dropdown menu.
Click the Zoom icons to change the default weekly view to the monthly or daily view.
Select the Hide weekends checkbox to only display working days. You can specify whether weekends should be considered as working days in the
Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Vendor Settings > Availability tab.
Select the Show only office hours checkbox to hide non-working hours. To set office hours for vendors, go to the
Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Vendor Settings > Availability tab.
Drag and drop the job blocks to change the start date.
Click on the job block side borders and move the cursor to extend or shorten the job duration.