Projects tab
In this tab, you can browse, open, and manage available projects. By default, you see a list of all the projects with several filters above the table. Columns display information about languages, finances, dates, and assigned PM.
You can select another view or create a new one by clicking on the View dropdown list. For details, see the Smart views article.

To open a project, click on its line in the list. To open a Classic project in edit mode, click the
icon in the last column.
To add a new project, click the Add Project button. You will be directed to the Add Project page. For details, see the Create a Smart project or Create a Classic project guides.
If you select a checkbox in the left-hand column, additional buttons are displayed above the list of tasks.
Right-click on a project to open a dropdown menu of the applicable actions.
Click the Duplicate button to create another project with the same data (except the Volume, Files, and the information from the Finances card). When duplicating a Classic project, you will be directed to the Duplicate Project page. In it, you can select what data should be duplicated. You can also change some details at project and task levels.
Click the Duplicate as Quote button to create a new quote based on the project details: client, service, languages, jobs, vendors, and responsible persons. This option is only available for Smart projects.
Click the Delete button to erase the project from the system. A popup window is displayed. In it, you must type in ‘Delete’ to confirm erasion.
Only uninvoiced projects without invoiced jobs or tasks can be deleted.
If the project is linked to a quote, specify whether you want to delete the associated offer.
If there is an associated project in a CAT tool, specify whether you also want to delete it.
Projects with Closed and Cancelled statuses can be archived to save space on the server. The project files will be compressed, password-protected, and only accessible by Home Portal admin users (see the User Groups and Rights article). Other project data will still be visible and can be changed (except for the project status). To archive a project, click the icon next to the Delete button and select Archive. For Smart projects, this action is permanent and cannot be undone.
If you want to create a similar project with the same input files, use the Duplicate option. If you plan to create several projects based on the same scenario, opt for project templates (see the Templates tab section).