Evaluation tab (Job)
In this tab, you can see the results of the vendor evaluation performed by a Home Portal user.

There are two types of evaluation: a 5 or 10-point scale rating and a LISA (Localization Industry Standards Association) evaluation.
To switch between the 5 and 10-point scale, go to the Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Vendor Settings > Evaluation tab.
For a regular evaluation, click on the stars in the Evaluation section. You can also add comments in the Internal Feedback section.
To activate LISA evaluation, click the Add LISA Evaluation button. For details, see the Add a LISA evaluation guide.
After you click the Add LISA Evaluation button, you cannot change the rating in the Evaluation section. After you click the Apply LISA Evaluation button, it will be automatically recalculated according to the LISA evaluation.