Payments tab (Client invoice)
In this tab, you can check this invoice’s payment details and history and add or edit the information about payments.

In the Receivable Total, Currency, and Payment Due Date sections, you can check the main details of this invoice. You can change those details for Not Ready invoices in the Main Data tab.
In the Payment Status, you can check if this invoice is Unpaid, Partially Paid, Fully Paid, or Irrecoverable.
In the Amount Paid and Unpaid Amount sections, you can monitor the paid and unpaid amounts.
Click the Mark as Irrecoverable button in the Unpaid Amount section to identify this amount as a financial loss.
After you click this button, the client will be automatically marked as a permanent non-payer and a corresponding warning will be displayed on the Add Project page whenever you create a new project for this client. To remove this label, go to this client's profile > Main Data tab > Invoicing subtab > Payment Terms subtab and deselect the Warn PM that Client is Permanent Non-payer checkbox.
In the Expected on our Account section, you can check the estimated date when the funds should appear on your company's account.
You cannot modify this date manually. It is defined by the payment terms set either in (1)
Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Client Settings > Payment Terms tab or (2) this client's profile > Main Data tab > Invoicing subtab > Payment Terms subtab. For details, see the Configure payment settings for vendors and clients | II. Configure payment schedule (terms and plans) guide.
Click the Send Reminder button to send an e-mail about the unpaid invoice. The content of the reminder is defined by the template selected in the
Configuration menu > Templates > Notifications > Templates tab for the E-mail/Text Message to Client: When client is reminded about a delayed payment. For more information about the notification templates, see the Templates - Notifications article.
Click the Edit and Send button to edit the e-mail.
To add the information about a new payment, perform the following steps:
In the Amount field, enter the received amount.
In the Paid on field, enter the date of the payment.
Click the Confirm Payment in Part or Confirm Payment in Full, depending on the received amount. The Add Client Payment popup window is displayed. For details, see the Add a client payment guide.
In the Payments table, you can edit or delete the assigned payments.
If this client has free funds to cover this invoice, an additional section will appear. Click the Assign button to use those funds as a payment for the current invoice.