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XTM Connect – Adobe Experience Manager

How does Visual mode work?

This topic describes the process in which the relevant Adobe Experience Manager assets, required for generating the Visual mode preview, are made available in XTM Cloud:

  1. When an Adobe Experience Manager page is added to a translation project, Adobe Experience Manager renders the page in HTML format.

  2. The XTM Cloud connector submits the requested page for translation, in XTM Cloud. The XTM Cloud connector also parses the page content and finds any references (absolute paths) to internal resources such as CSS files, JS files or images.

  3. The XTM Cloud connector requests each found referenced internal resource from the particular Adobe Experience Manager system. The Adobe Experience Manager system supplies these internal resources.

    • If one of the internal resources that XTM Cloud receives is an asset such as an image, that asset is simply downloaded for inclusion in the preview package. (See step 4. for details.)

    • If one of the internal resources that XTM Cloud receives is a CSS or JS file, it is downloaded and then parsed to check whether it contains any other references, to other assets. If so, these assets are also downloaded, and parsed in their turn, until all relevant internal resources (which will be used to generate the Visual mode preview) have been downloaded and parsed.

  4. Each relevant internal resource, identified in the previous steps, is saved to the preview package for the translation project. This package is sent to XTM Cloud in a ZIP file that is separate from the translation project. When the project is opened in XTM Cloud, the contents of the preview package are used to generate the preview. The preview is then displayed if a Linguist opens a file for translation in Visual mode.


After translation, the Linguist can also generate a formatted preview of the target content, to check, if required.