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XTM Connect – Microsoft SharePoint Drive 1.1.0 Administrator Guide

Settings in MS SharePoint Drive

After you have made the necessary settings in Microsoft Azure, to enable your instance of Microsoft SharePoint Drive to connect to XTM Cloud, make the settings described below, in your instance of Microsoft SharePoint Drive. When you have made them, Microsoft SharePoint Drive will be able to connect to XTM Cloud, via XTM Connect – Microsoft SharePoint Drive.

Make these connection-related settings in your instance of Microsoft SharePoint Drive:
  1. Navigate to this URL in Microsoft SharePoint Drive: <YourSharePointSite>/sites/<site>/_layouts/15/appinv.aspx.

  2. Insert the Application (client) ID generated earlier in Microsoft Azure in the App ID field.

  3. Select the Lookup button.

  4. Enter the App Domain and Redirect URL for your portal site.

  5. In the application's Permissions Request XML field, paste the following:

    <AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
        <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection"


    Do not modify the text for the Permissions Request XML field, shown above, in any way. It is in a URI format that is specified by Microsoft Corp..

  6. Select Create.

Result: you have created the application. The settings in it can now be used to create connection profiles.