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XTM Connect – Adobe Experience Manager 2.6

Translation Cloud Service Callback settings

To complete your Translation Cloud Service configuration in Adobe Experience Manager, make the Callback settings, if required. A Callback is an email that is sent from the XTM Cloud connector to a specified recipient to inform them about a specific event in XTM Cloud. These events are detailed in the next table.

Translation Cloud Services Callback settings:
  1. In the Edit Configuration screen, containing the XTM Translation Connector Settings, make these settings in the Callbacks tab:

    Field name


    Analysis Finished Callback

    Enter the email address of the person who is to be informed when the analysis of a translation project has finished, in XTM Cloud.

    Workflow Transition Callback

    Enter the email address of the person who is to be informed when a translation project changes from one workflow item to another, in XTM Cloud.

    Job Finished Callback

    Enter the email address of the person who is to be informed when a job in a translation project has finished, in XTM Cloud.

    Project finished Callback

    Enter the email address of the person who is to be informed when an entire translation project has finished, in XTM Cloud.

  2. Now select the General tab and finalize the Translation Cloud Service configuration.