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XTRF Home Portal Configuration menu

Recruitment Settings

In this section, you can configure different options and settings available on the Vendor Portal.


  • In the Cooperation Terms & Conditions section, upload the file containing the terms of your contract with vendors. All vendors will be required to accept those terms before registering in the Vendor Portal.

    Vendors working in the Job Manager are not required to agree to those terms and conditions.

  • In the Services section, select which job types will be available as services in the Vendor Portal. By default, all the job types from the Configuration.png Configuration menu > System Values: Advanced > Job Types are added. You can delete the unwanted jobs or click the Clear button and select the required jobs from the dropdown menu.

  • In the Areas of expertise section, select which specializations will be available as areas of expertise in the Vendor Portal. By default, all the specializations from the Configuration.png Configuration menu > System Values: Advanced > Specializations are added. Deselect the unwanted specializations or click the None button and select the appropriate checkboxes.

    Both services and areas of expertise can be used by vendors while adding rates in the Vendor Portal. All rates provided by vendors will be sent to the head recruiter specified in the Recruitment Contact section for approval. The approved rates will overwrite the rates specified in the vendor’s profile.

  • In the Rates section, permit or forbid the vendors to specify the minimum charge in the Vendor Portal.

  • In the Default currencies section, select the currencies that will be available in the Vendor Portal. By default, all the active currencies from the Configuration.png Configuration menu > System Values: Advanced > Currencies are added.

  • In the Define currencies for selected countries section, you can link countries with specific currencies. As a result, when a vendor registers in the Vendor Portal, the currency will be assigned based on the vendor's billing country.

    • To define the currencies, click the Add New button and select the country and currency from the dropdown lists.

  • In the Allow vendors to upload any files during the registration process section, specify whether the 'Upload CV and other relevant documentation' section should be added to the registration process. If you select Yes, the Text to be shown field will be displayed. In it, you can enter a short description.

  • In the Set default vendor status after registration process section, select the status you want to assign to newly registered vendors.