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XTRF Home Portal Configuration menu

Finance tab (Projects and Quotes)

In this tab, you can manage settings related to project finances.


  • Deselect the Automatically Recalculate Rates after Vendor Selection (Classic) checkbox to make the Recalculate Rates after Selection checkbox in the Select Vendor popup window deselected by default (for details, see the Select vendors guide).

  • Deselect the Automatically Calculate Receivables Total Agreed checkbox, so that in the Receivables tab, the Total Agreed field stays empty, and the Auto-calculate Total Agreed checkbox stays deselected (for details, see the Add a receivable and Create a Classic project – Add receivables guides).

  • Deselect the Automatically Calculate Payables Total Cost checkbox, so that in the Payables tab, the Total Cost field stays empty, and the Auto-calculate Total Cost checkbox stays deselected (see the Add a payable and Create a Classic project – Add payables articles).

  • Select the Enable Editable CAT Weighted Totals checkbox to unlock the sum.png field in the Add CAT Payable/Receivable popup window.