Calculation Units
In this section, you can manage the list of calculation units available for selection in the system.
Edit the view or create a new one in the View dropdown menu. For details, see the Classic views article.
Use the filters on the left to narrow down your search.
Click the Add button to add a calculation unit. For details, see the Add a calculation unit guide.
Click on a calculation unit to open its page. Click the icon to open it in edit mode.
To find out how to add a localized value, see the Add localized values guide.
To delete a calculation unit, click the icon next to it.
Select one or several checkboxes in the left-hand column and click the icon in the header to open a dropdown menu of available actions:
Select or deselect all calculation units.
Activate or deactivate the selected calculation units.
Mark or unmark the selected calculation units as preferred.