Vendor anonymization
To protect vendors privacy and client sensitive information, vendors can be anonymized in the chat rooms. When anonymization is enabled, vendor names are replaced with a random pseudonym referring to a plant name (for example, Loosestrife, Elephant Ears, etc.).
Vendor anonymization is turned on by default in all workspaces. To turn it off, contact our Support or your Regional Growth Manager.
Vendor anonymization can only be turned on or off for the entire workspace, not individual chat rooms.
Pseudonyms are assigned to vendors automatically.
Vendors always have the same pseudonym assigned in all chat rooms within a workspace.
Managers always see the vendor avatars and real names followed by pseudonyms in brackets.
Vendors can only see the pseudonyms of other vendors and the pseudonym initials instead of avatars in the All project members chat room.

'All project members' chat room seen by a PM

'All project members' chat room seen by a vendor
Manager names are never hidden.
If workspace members are deleted from the workspace or leave at their own request, their name is changed to Deleted with a random string of numbers, even if vendor anonymization was turned off.
Deleted users' avatars change into question marks.

Users can be members of zero, one, or multiple workspaces. They can have the same or different roles within each Workspace.
A user can be a Manager for projects in one workspace and a Vendor for projects in another. Moreover, a user can be a Manager and a Vendor for different projects within the same workspace as long they use the same e-mail address in Home Portal and Vendor Portal accounts.
The standalone XTRF Chat web and mobile applications enable users to operate in multiple workspaces at the same time. Users can see all the roles they have been assigned to in all the workspaces they have joined.