To protect your privacy and clients' sensitive information, vendors might be anonymized in the chat rooms. When anonymization is enabled, vendor names are replaced with a random pseudonym referring to a plant name (for example, Loosestrife, Elephant Ears, etc.).
A pseudonym is assigned to you automatically.
Other vendors will only see the pseudonym instead of your real and pseudonym initials instead of your avatar.
You always have the same pseudonym assigned in all chat rooms within a workspace.
Managers can always see your avatar and real name.
You can only see the pseudonyms of other vendors and the pseudonym initials instead of avatars in the All project members chat room.

'All project members' chat room seen by a PM

'All project members' chat room seen by a vendor
Manager names are never hidden.
Deleted users' messages will be displayed with question marks as avatars and the Deleted name.