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XTRF Business Barometer Documentation


Each XTRF Business Barometer module consists of several cards.

Quotes module

Projects module

Clients module

  1. Total number of quotes.

  2. Quotes acceptance rate.

  3. Total value of quotes.

  4. Trends in quotes total value per specialisation.

  1. Trends in client projects total value.

  2. Trends in projects total margin per client.

  3. Total number of projects.

  4. Total value of projects.

  5. Trends in projects total value per specialisation.

  6. Trends in projects per language.

  1. The most valuable clients.

  2. Total value of projects from top clients.

  3. Dependence on top clients.

  • Use the dropdown lists at the top right-hand corner of cards to display data for the selected period.

  • Hover over the graphs to see more detailed information.

  • Click the menu.png icon to download graphs in SVG, PNG, or CSV format.