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Technical Specification for XTM Cloud 13.8

XTM Workbench

  • Source and target text divided into segments and arranged in two columns, with automatic saving of changes to allow rapid translation.

  • Segment Matches, Concordance, QA, Inline tags, Comments, and History are displayed in a resizable, configurable docked panel.

  • The matches panel shows full matching details with the option to edit or delete the TM record.

  • Support for concurrent translation or review by multiple users.

  • Possible to enter multiple alternative translations and back translations suitable for transcreation tasks.

  • Immediate in-document propagation of repeated segments and fuzzy matches.

  • Immediate translation memory updating and availability for reuse in all projects.

  • Text formatting in source text maintained by inline tags in XTM Workbench, with a dedicated “Inline tags” tab containing detailed information about their meaning.

  • AI-driven automatic placement of inline tags in target text based on XTM’s Inter Language Vector Space technology.

  • Control over the length of the target segment.

  • User-configurable list of filters to view specific segments. Multiple filters can be grouped, applied, and saved.

  • Find and replace words and phrases in source and/or target segments across all files in a project.

  • Concordance showing how a word or sentence has been used and translated in the past – available within XTM Workbench or as a separate window.

  • Visibility of segment status in current, previous, and next steps in the workflow. Set segment status to completed, draft, incomplete, or to be corrected, with automatic or batch updating.

  • User-customizable shortcuts for all common actions.

  • User-configurable QA includes grammar and spell-checking. Optional Word dictionaries with 130+ languages.

  • LQA functionality based on MQM standard to measure the number of errors, their severity, and calculate a score of the translation quality.

  • Interactive integration with Xbench.

  • Report of changes made by correctors and comments made by all users.

  • Multiple editable comments are possible at a segment level.

  • View and edit custom attributes for each segment, including related hyperlinks and screenshots.

  • Online preview of translation – depending on the source file, interactive previews in HTML or PDF with live links to the segment in XTM Workbench.

  • Visual mode for InDesign, multimedia files, HTML, XML & DITA source files showing the source and target text as formatted pages for in-context translation and review.

  • Integration with RIGI for in-context translation of software strings.

  • Translators, reviewers, and correctors can work offline by:

    • Using the XTM Offline Editor – a highly customized MS Excel file with the look and feel of the XTM Workbench online editor.

    • Downloading a TIPP file or an XLIFF file and using a third-party editor.

    • Selecting files for review, including WYSIWYG and tabular PDF previews.