Update a project with new source files
Once a project is established, it can undergo numerous updates introducing new source files and content. This dynamic nature ensures that the project remains synchronized with the changes and enhancements made to the application over time.
The process of updating a project with new source files is similar to the project creation process. To update your project, perform the following steps:
Upload the files to the workspace. For details, see the Upload files to the workspace guide.
Update the string list. For details, see the Manage the translation of the source texts guide.
Alignment is unnecessary during an update process since the new strings typically do not have pre-existing translations.
Prepare a server with Rigi tokens. For details, see the Prepare a staging server with Rigi tokens guide.
Capture HTML previews for the strings that were added during the update in the capturing environment. To do so, filter the strings that were added during the latest update. For details, see the Manage HTML previews guides.
Problem: A validation error appears when updating the string list.

Cause: Two files in the workspace have the same file ID, and the same key occurs in both files.

Solution: Ensure that the files in the workspace have unique file IDs.

Use the mass renaming functionality. For details, see the Mass rename file IDs guide.