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Rigi Documentation

Test the pre-release of RigiJS

If you are experiencing issues with the Rigi script during preview capturing, the Rigi team can provide you with an updated version of rigi.js. Follow the steps below to test it.

  1. Install the User JavaScript and CSS Chrome extension. This extension can inject custom JavaScript or CSS rules into any page.


    You must enable developer mode in Chrome to use this extension. For details, refer to the Chrome documentation.

  2. Disable the Rigi script (if applicable) via the Chrome Manage extensions functionality.


    The script can be hosted by the Rigi injector or by the web app. Ensure you disable the correct extension.

  3. Open the application from which you would like to capture HTML previews in the browser.

  4. Click the Extensions icon next to the address bar and click on the User JavaScript and CSS extension. A popup will be displayed.


  5. Click the New rule: button. You will be directed to a new browser tab.

  6. Paste the script provided by the Rigi team in the left-hand side pane and click the Save button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.


  7. Check the script version.

  8. Go back to the tab with the application from which you would like to capture HTML previews.

  9. Open the developer tools.

    Click F12 to open the developer tools panel.

  10. In the developer tools panel, navigate to the Console tab.

  11. Type in RIGI and click Enter. The Rigi version will be displayed below.


  12. Verify that the version matches the version of the script provided by the Rigi team (see step 7 above).

  13. Type in RIGI_SaveScreenshot("test.html") and click Enter. This will result in preview capturing.

  14. Inspect the preview to check if the previously experienced issue does not appear anymore.