Select the error category
Language testers can select the error category from a hierarchy.

When you click the error category, a modal window is displayed in which you can select any error category.

The window consists of four areas:
Error category (hover sub-items). When the window is opened, the selected error category is displayed. Hovering the mouse over an item will update the list in the selection area below. For example, hovering over the Inconsistency will display all siblings of Inconsistency.
Description and example. This area will display the description and example of the error category. This will be updated when the user hovers the mouse over another item in the selection area below.
Search. Click the search box to see the root items.
Start typing. Matches are shown in the selection area when three or more characters are entered:
Possible actions:
Hover the mouse over a search result to see a description and example.
Click a search result to select the category. This will close the dialog.
Selection area (hover to see description/example or click to select). The selection area shows the error category and its siblings.
Possible actions:
Hover the mouse over a category to see the description and an example.
Click the category to select the category. This will close the dialog.