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Rigi Documentation

Rigi connectors for third-party tools

Rigi provides several connectors to third-party translation tools.

Table 42.




Recommended number of strings in XML/XLIFF


Built-in Rigi editor (recommended).

Translate directly on the Rigi server.



Rigi for memoQ  (9.0 and higher). For details, see the Rigi for memoQ section.

Export/Import XLIFF (9.13 and higher) Export/Import XML 1.2 for versions lower than 9.13.

10,000. The program becomes slow or might crash with large files.


Rigi for SDL Passolo  (2016 and higher). For details, see the Rigi for SDL Passolo section.

Strategy 1: Project on the Rigi server

  • Use the workspace on the Rigi server.

  • Create a project in Passolo.

  • Sync source files with Rigi servers.

Strategy 2: Use Rigi only for previews

  • The parsing of the source files is done in Passolo.

  • The project and target rules are defined using the Rigi solution editor. For details, see the section.

  • The workspace is not used in most use cases.

No limit. Projects with 150,000 strings still work fine.


Rigi for SDL Trados Studio (2015 and higher).

Export/Import XLIFF.

10,000. The program becomes slow or might crash with large files.


Rigi for SDL Worldserver.

Export/Import XML 1.2. An exported XML file for each target locale contains the untranslated segments for that target locale.

10,000. The program becomes slow or might crash with large files.


Rigi for Translate5.

Export/Import XML 1.2.



Rigi for XTM. For details, see the Rigi for XTM Cloud section.

  • Export/Import XLIFF (state is not supported yet).

  • Export/Import XML 1.2 (deprecated).

  • Integrate via the XTM Git connector (for details, see the Rigi for XTM Cloud (XTM Git Connector) section).
