Review menu
Language tests are managed via the Review section of the project menu that consists of two displays: Packs and Issues.

In the Packs display, you can:
create a new review pack. For details, see the Create a review pack guide.
manage existing review packs. To do so, hover over a review pack and perform one of the following actions:
Open the pack by clicking the
Reopen a completed pack by clicking the
icon. Language testers will be able to continue working on their review tasks.
Activate the pack (start the review) by clicking the
Export source and target strings included in the pack by clicking the
icon. A multi-lingual CSV file with all texts in this review pack will be generated.
Export pack issues by clicking the
icon. For details, see the Export issues to Excel guide.
Complete the review pack by clicking the
Language testers will not be able to make changes to a completed pack.
Change the review status by clicking the
This option only applies to preview-based review packs.
In the Change status popup, define how the values will be changed for the UI texts on the HTML previews in this review pack.
Click the Confirm button.
Copy review tasks to another review pack by clicking the
icon. For details, see the [Copy locales and reviewers to other packs in the same project] guide.
Delete the pack by clicking the
This action cannot be undone!
This action will delete the review packs and all issues that the language testers reported.
Select one or more review packs and perform the following actions by clicking one of the icons above the pack list:
Complete the selected reviews by clicking the
Add new locales to the selected packs by clicking the
icon. If only one pack is selected, you can add the reviewers to the newly created task.
Import review tasks (locales and reviewers) by clicking the
Manage reviewers of the selected packs by clicking the
icon. For details, see the Mass assign and unassign reviewers for multiple review packs guide.
Export the issues for all the selected packs by clicking the
icon. For details, see the Export issues to Excel guide.
Perform the KPI analysis of the selected packs by clicking the
icon. For details, see the Use the reporting tool for language tests guide.
Delete the selected packs by clicking the
icon .
In the Issues display, you can:

view all the translation and non-translation issues created for the current project.
sort issues by different criteria. To do so, hover over the column header and click the up or down arrow.
filter the issues by languages or other criteria using the Select language drop-down and
filters above the issue list.
click the Export issues button in the screen's top right-hand corner to export issues for the selected review packs and languages in an XLSX file.
hover over an issue and perform one of the following actions:
Display the issue on a preview by clicking the
Mark the issue as fixed by clicking the
Edit the issue by clicking the
View the issue details by clicking the
select one or more issues and perform the following actions by clicking one of the icons above the issue list:
Mart the selected issues as fixed by clicking the
Replace the selected issues with suggestions provided by reviewers by clicking the
Delete the selected issues by clicking the
Export the selected issues by clicking the