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Rigi Documentation

Projects without a workspace

Most projects use workspaces on the Rigi server to manage all files. However, in some cases, a workspace is not used, and the parsing is not performed on the Rigi server.

To set up a project without a workspace, in the user_menu.png system menu, select Server settings > Project defaults and switch off the Manage files in workspace toggle.


Table 29. Use cases for projects without a workspace

Use case


Source texts



The Rigi add-in for Passolo includes the parser framework. All files are parsed in Passolo. Target files and files with Rigi tokens are generated in Passolo.

Source texts are uploaded from Passolo (Project > Export > Rigi server) and used for coverage information during the capturing of HTML previews.

Translations are uploaded from Passolo (Project > Export > Rigi server) and used to perform language tests (LAT).

Language tests (LAT)

The Rigi server contains HTML previews, source texts and translations. Language testers (reviewers) can see HTML previews with the translations and add comments and suggestions.

Use the Rigi Translation Uploader tool to upload source texts and translations.

Screenshots for documentation

Generate localized screenshots for documentation for a selected set of languages.

There are several ways to import source texts and translations into the string lists on the Rigi server:

Table 30. Importing options




Source texts, translations (and their status) can be uploaded to the Rigi server. For details, see the Rigi for SDL Passolo section.

Trados Studio

If translators have appropriate permissions, they can upload translations (including their status) directly from Trados Studio's translation editor.

Rigi translation uploader tool

This tool uses rigi.exe to parse source and target files. Then it uploads source texts and translations to the Rigi server.


Rigi.exe can parse files and upload source texts and translations, including their status.

Export/Import XLIFF

Export source texts and/or translations (Texts > Overview > Export). The resulting XLIFF can be imported into another project.


Project owners can clone their projects, including all source texts and translations. For details, see the Clone a project guide.