Prepare a staging server with Rigi tokens
This article describes how to prepare a staging server to enable the capturing of HTML previews. This requires that the pseudo language with Rigi tokens can be loaded into the user interface. As a result, each captured HTML preview contains Rigi tokens that allow Rigi to identify the string identifier.
A staging server is a type of server used to test software, website or service in a production-similar environment before going live. It is part of a staging environment or staging site, in which it serves as a temporary hosting and testing server for any new software or websites.
Localization purposes only!
Files with Rigi tokens are needed for localization purposes only. They should not be deployed to a production server.
Download the file with Rigi tokens:
Open the required project.
In the project menu, select Workspace > Files.
Click the Download files button.
Select the Files with Rigi tokens option.
Click the Next button. You will be directed to the Summary step
The resulting file paths are determined by the target rules. For details, see the Configure target rules section,
Click the Download button. A file with Rigi tokens will be downloaded to your local machine.
Deploy the pseudo language with Rigi tokens to your staging server.