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Rigi Documentation

Perform a preview-based review

This section applies to a preview-based Language acceptance test, during which you need to review translations for a pre-defined set of previews.

If you need to review the live application, see the Perform a live review guide.

SAP users

Please refer to the SAP Help Portal.


  • You received an email asking you to review translations, and a new task appeared in the My review tasks tab.

  • The new task includes previews.

  1. Open the required review task.


  2. Click the Start review button in the top right-hand corner. The following window will be displayed.


    It consists of two main areas – the UI texts area on the left and the HTML preview area on the right. For details, see the expandable sections below.

  3. Review the strings in context in the HTML preview area.

  4. To report an issue, perform the following steps:

    1. Hover over the text string in question. It will be highlighted in green.


    2. Right-click the selected text. It will be highlighted in yellow, and the corresponding string will be selected in the string list in the UI text area.


    3. Click the Create issue button at the top of the page or the create_issue.pngicon above the selected string in the UI text area. The New issue popup is displayed. For details about creating issues, see the Create a LAT issue and Select the error category guides.


    4. Click the Create button

    5. The string is now marked with a badge that shows the number of reported issues for this UI text.


      Click the badge to open the issues (there could be more than one) and edit them. 

      Only the person who created an issue can edit or delete it.

    If the UI texts in the previews have suggested translations, you can also review them by selecting the flag with a checkmark in the top left-hand corner.


    The suggested translation will be displayed in the preview.


  5. After reviewing all the strings on the current preview, click the Approve & next or Next button.

    • Clicking the Approve & next button will do the following:

      1. Set the status of the current preview to Verified.

      2. Change the status of translated strings to Reviewed.

      3. Increase the review’s progress.

      4. Display the next preview with an Open status.

    • Clicking the Next button will do the following:

      1. Keep the Open status of the current preview.

      2. Display the next preview with an Open status.

  6. Repeat the previous steps until you have verified all previews. After you have reviewed all the previews, the following popup will be displayed.


  7. Click the Complete now button in the popup. Alternatively, exit the review and click the Complete task button in the top right-hand corner.


    If you have bookmarked strings during the language test, the following warning will be displayed:


A notification will be sent to the project manager.

The task is now marked as completed and has become read-only (for details, see the LAT status changes section). You can reopen it for additional edits until the project manager closes the task.


You can now review all the issues you reported. For more details about the review task sections (Previews, Texts, Translation issues, Non-translation issues, and Description) and options, see the LAT main window section.

HTML previews display the actual translations.

HTML previews present the values for variables (e.g. {0}) as they were when the HTML preview was captured.

  • Hover over a text in the preview to highlight it in green.


  • Right-click a text to select it. The selected text will be highlighted in yellow.


  • To switch between source and target languages, click the language icon language.png.

  • To hide the string list, click the Hide.png icon .


  • To display the string list again, click the String_list.png icon .


  • To highlight or unhighlight multiple texts in the HTML preview, click the three_dots.png icon and select the required option.


    Table 24.


    Strings that get highlighted


    Highlight all filtered

    Strings that are currently shown in the string list on the left.

    This could be helpful to detect texts that are not part of the review task.

    Highlight unapproved strings

    Strings that have the status untranslated or translated.

    This could be helpful to quickly identify texts that have not been reviewed yet.

The UI texts area displays the texts that are currently presented in the HTML preview.

  • Select a text in the string list to highlight it in the HTML preview.

  • Click the Filters.png icon to specify filter settings.
