Mass assign and unassign reviewers for multiple review packs
A project can contain many review packs. Each pack can have many languages and reviewers. This feature allows you to assign/unassing reviewers for multiple review packs in one overview.
In the project menu, select Review > Packs.
Select the checkboxes for the required review packs.
Click the
icon to manage reviewers for the selected review packs.
A popup showing all reviewers (name and email) and tasks for the selected packs will be displayed.
Select or unselect the tasks by checking or unchecking the checkboxes for the various packs.
Click the Confirm button to save the changes.
Hover over a reviewer and click the
icon to check or the
icon to uncheck all the review packs.
Use the filter above the reviewers list to quickly search for names, emails, and languages.
Click the
icon to assign another locale to an existing user.