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Mass assign and copy locales and reviewers

A review pack can contain many locales and reviewers. Instead of adding tasks and selecting reviewers repeatedly, you can use Rigi features to add and copy locales and reviewers to several packs at once.

This functionality could be handy if a new locale were added that needs to be added to many review packs.

  1. In the project menu, select Review > Packs.

  2. Select the required packs.


  3. Click the Add_locales_and_reviewers.png icon. The Add tasks wizard is displayed.

  4. Select the locales that will be added to the selected packs.


  5. Click the Next button twice.


    It is not possible to select reviewers if more than one target locale has been selected on the Select tasks wizard page.

    For details about how to manage reviewers for multiple packs, see the Mass assign and unassign reviewers for multiple review packs guide.

  6. Click the Add button to add the selected locales to all packs.


New locales have been added to all the packs selected in Step 2.


  1. In the project menu, select Review > Packs.

  2. Select the required packs.


  3. Click the Add_locales_and_reviewers.png icon. The Add tasks wizard is displayed.


  4. Select one locale that will be added to the selected packs.

  5. Click the Next button. You will now see a list of reviewers for the selected task.


  6. Click the Next button.


  7. Click the Add button to add the selected locale and reviewers to the selected packs.

It is possible to replicate a selection of tasks in a pack to other packs in the same project.

  1. In the project menu, select Review > Packs.

  2. Open the required pack.


  3. Click the Copy_review_tasks.png icon. The Copy tasks to packs wizard is displayed.


  4. Click the Next button.

  5. Select the packs to which you want to copy the tasks.


  6. Click the Next button.

  7. Click the Copy tasks button.


    • If the pack did not have the locale, it would be assigned.

    • If the task already had the reviewer assigned, it would not be overwritten.

The tasks have been added to the selected packs.


  1. Export an Excel file with the locales and email addresses of reviewers.

    1. In the project menu, select Review > Packs.

    2. Open the required pack.


    3. Click the export_pack.png icon to download the review tasks.

    4. Select the target locales for which the locales and reviewers must be exported.


    5. Click the Export button. An Excel file containing the locales and reviewers will be downloaded.


    6. (Optional) Modify the Excel file and add more locales and emails.

      Add a locale without reviewers

      To add a locale without reviewers to each pack, define the locale in column A and keep column B empty.

  2. Import an Excel file with locales and email addresses of reviewers to other packs.

    Import assigned locales

    The import functionality will only process locales that are assigned to this project. Other locales in the Excel file will be ignored.

    1. In the project menu, select Review > Packs.


    2. Click the Import_review_tasks.png icon to import review tasks.


    3. Select the Excel file with locales and email addresses you have downloaded in Step 1.

    4. Click the Upload button.

The review tasks have been added to another project.
