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Rigi Documentation

Manage translations in external editors

Rigi provides connectors to third-party translation editors (for details, see the Rigi connectors for third-party tools section). They require translators to be registered as external translators.

  1. Select external translators:

    1. In the project menu, select Texts > Overview.

    2. Hover over a language and click the assign_translators.png icon. The Select external translators popup will be displayed.


    3. Select the translators by entering their email or selecting them from the list of team members.

    4. Click the Confirm button.

  2. Export Rigi XLIFF or XML files that can be translated in third-party tools. For details, see the Export texts for translation in external tools guide.

    Language and region

    The Rigi XLIFF file has a target-language attribute. It is strongly advised always to use the language code in combination with a region. For example, de-DE is the German language for the Germany region. Third-party tools such as Trados can add a region code if it is not specified. For example, ja (Japanese) will be converted to ja-JP (Japanese for Japan).

    If you have locked the string list during export, the string lists will be marked as locked.


    Unlock the string list

    If you have accidentally locked a string list, you can simply unlock it via the action menu.


  3. Translators will now translate the strings in the third-party tool. For details, see the Translate using a third-party translation tool guides.

    Locales must match!

    Translators can only view and edit issues for the locale that they are assigned to. In the issues view, the locale of the editor will be selected by default if the external translator is not assigned to that locale.

    Example 25.

    An external translator has German for Switzerland in the editor but is only assigned to German for Germany. The Issues tab will then only let the external translator select from the locales that are assigned to them.


  4. Import the translated XLIFF or XML files into Rigi. For details, see the Import translation files guide.

    As a result, the string lists are no longer marked as locked.
