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Rigi Documentation

Manage the correction of source texts

This guide describes how to set up the project so that the author of the UI texts can edit the source texts of the resource files that developers have uploaded. A UI writer can also correct the style of the source texts. Then, the corrections are added to the source string list.

Translators will see the corrected source texts after the project manager confirms them.


Developers upload resource files with UI texts in the workspace (for details, see the Upload files to the workspace guide). Those UI texts are usually written by developers. UI text can require review or corrections because they do not have the right style or terminology, and you want the translators to base their work on the corrected source texts. Also, you might want the generated bilingual files to contain the corrected source texts and translations.

Sometimes, correction is unnecessary, for example, when a professional UI writer creates the UI texts or if your company does not want to invest in this step.

Use of corrected source files

It is recommended that developers overwrite the source files with the corrected files. This way, developers will see the corrections and can double-check if the author's corrections are contextually correct. It also helps developers use the right style and terminology when they write new strings.

When developers upload new resource files, they either contain the original or corrected texts, depending on their working method. Rigi will recognize new and modified strings in both situations and update the status values of translated texts accordingly. For details, see the Update source files after linguistic corrections guide.


Let’s assume that we have a project with source texts and translations.

The goal is to edit the source texts provided by the developers (in this example, en-US).

We will do this by adding a master locale that will be used to "translate" the developer source into the master source.

  1. In the project menu, select Texts > Overview.


  2. Click the Add target languages button and select a language, for example, en-GB.


  3. Hover over the newly added language and click the master.png icon.


    • This language will be marked as a master language.

    • The source (en-US) will be marked as synced synced.png.


    • All the strings in the source list will be displayed in red because they are not validated yet.


  4. In the project menu, select Translation.

  5. Click the Add translation tasks button.

    From a usability point of view, correcting source texts is the same as translating from a source into a target language. For details, see the Manage the translation of the source texts guides.

  6. Select the master language.


  7. Click the Create button.


  8. Assign the person responsible for source correction as a translator for this task. For details, see the Manage translations in the Rigi online editor guide.

  9. The author performs the correction with visual context (for details, see the Translate in context guides).

    The look and feel is the same as when translating into a target language.


    In this example, the first three strings are now translated.


  10. After the correction is finished, select Texts > Overview in the project menu.

  11. Hover over the source language and click the Synchronize.png icon to synchronize it with the master language.


  12. Click the Synch button.



The source text (en-US) now contains the strings and status values of the master language.


The translated texts for the target languages are unchanged. However, if the source text has changed, then their status will be decreased.

Generate source files with corrections

  1. In the project menu, select Workspace > Files.

  2. Click the Download files button.


  3. Select the Rigi (Master) target file.

  4. To download the original source files (raw), select the Source files checkbox.

  5. Click the Next button.

  6. Click the Download button.


Deploy files with corrections (Development)

The developers can deploy the source files with the corrected texts in their code.

When the next upload of (corrected) source files is made to the workspace, Rigi will not change the status of existing translations.