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Rigi Documentation

Export issues to Excel

This guide describes how to export issues that were reported during an LAT.

A Language Test (LAT) for a language pack results in translation and non-translation issues reported by reviewers. Those issues can be exported to Excel files. It is possible to configure for which packs and target locales the issues shall be exported.

  1. In the project menu, select Review > Packs.

  2. Select the required review packs.

  3. Click the Download.png icon above the pack list. The Export translation and/or non-translation issues popup is displayed.


  4. (Optional) Deselect the Export non-translation issues to only export translation issues.

  5. From the Export options dropdown, select the required export mode.

    Table 23.

    Export mode


    Generated ZIP

     Single file

    ZIP with one Excel file. The Excel file contains all issues for all selected packs and languages.


    File per language

    ZIP with multiple Excel files. An Excel file contains all reported issues for the selected language. No Excel file is generated for languages without reported issues.


    File per review pack

    ZIP with multiple Excel files. An Excel file contains all reported issues for the review pack. No Excel file is generated for review packs without reported issues.



    ZIP with multiple language folders, which contain Excel files per language pack. A folder is exported for each language for which issues exist. The folder contains an Excel file per review pack. No Excel file is generated for review packs without reported issues.


    Each language folder contains an Excel file for each pack that has issues for that language:


  6. (Optional) Select the Include issues that were deleted checkbox to export deleted issues.

  7. (Optional) Change the review pack selection.

  8. (Optional) Select the Export languages that have no issues associated checkbox to include languages without issues.

  9. Select the required languages.

  10. Click the Export button. A ZIP file with Excel file(s) is downloaded to your local machine.
