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Excel parser settings

The mono- and multilingual Excel (and CSV) parsers have similar configuration attributes. For details, see the following sections:

Parser settings

  • headerrow.

    This number (0, 1, 2, ...) indicates the row that contains the header information.

    Typically, the header is on the top row (i.e., 1).

    Set to 0 if there is no header row.

  • firstdatarow.

    This number (1,2,3,...) indicates the first row that contains data. If an Excel file has one header row, then the data row typically starts at 2.

    The parser will parse all rows from the firstdatarow onward.

  • idColumns.

    The Excel file usually contains one or more columns (A, B, C) that contain the ID information (idColumns).

    If, for example, columns B and C respectively contain the article category and number, then enter the following lines:


    In some cases, the ID is a unique text. In those cases, it is advised to hash the text so that the resulting ID always contains valid characters. Use, for example, the following when the ID is composed of 2 columns, B and C, where C must be hashed:

    C hash
  • idNames.

    A row that has one string ID (using idColumns) can have multiple columns with texts.

    It is possible to define a unique postfix. If there are 2 columns, name, and description, then define the following:


    The resulting string IDs are then and xyz.description, where xyz is the ID conform idColumns.

    Notes when this field is left empty:

    • 1 column with translatable texts: the id as defined by idColumns will be used as is.

    • More than one column with translatable texts: the parser will make the string ids unique by adding 0, 1, 2,...

  • IdSheetname.

    Enable this setting to include the name of the worksheet as part of the string ID. 

  • Source and target columns (6 forms).

    An Excel file contains source and target pairs. For example, the source name and descriptions are in columns B and C, and the target name and descriptions are in columns D and E. In that case, the fields for sourceColumns and targetColumns can be defined as




    Not all Excel files have such a nice static definition. In many cases, the actual columns must be determined from the header row.

    The Excel parser supports various forms for a line definition.

    Table 4.






    Search the column by the locale name in the header row (de-DE, de_DE, de, ...)



    Single character. This means column C (2)


    de-DE A

    de-DE is in column A


    de-DE GERMAN

    de-DE is in the column whose header matches GERMAN (case insensitive)


    de-DE ~XYZ

    de-DE is in the column that has XYZ in the header (case insensitive)


    de-DE #2

    de-DE is in the column that has the 2nd occurrence of de-DE in the header (case insensitive)

  • sourceColumns.

    Define the columns where the source texts are (using the forms).

  • targetColumns.

    Define the columns where the translations are (using the forms).

    • One column with source/target texts.

      If the source texts must be overwritten, then use the same column definitions as sourceColumns.

    • The number of source and target columns must be the same

      The number of lines for the targetColumns must be the same as sourceColumns. If it is not the same, then the parser will attempt to detect the columns from the header row.


  • commentColumns.

    Define the columns where the comments are located.

    Example 4.

    There are 3 source columns: B, C, D, and E, where B and D have the same comment in column F, C has no comment, and E has the comment in G:

    Source columns:


    Comment columns:


  • emptysourceFallbackColumns.

    Keep this setting empty to preserve empty source strings. In that case, the translator could change the translation.

    Make the the setting the same as sourceColumns will skip empty source strings.

    Use the fallback to handle empty source texts. If the source text is empty, the fallback column will be used.

    The 6 forms can be used as specified for the source and target columns.

    Example 5.

    There are 2 source columns: B and C.

    If B is empty, then D must be used.

    If C is empty, then no fallback is available.

    Source columns:


    Empty source fallback columns:


  • separator.

    This setting is only for CSV files. Most CSV files are comma-separated. Other characters such as ';' or '\t' for tabs would be possible.