Configure general review settings
You can customize the KPI analysis reports in the (system menu) > Server settings > Review > Review report (for more information, see the Manage KPI profiles guide).

Add a custom logo by clicking the
icon in the General section.
Specify the report title in the Coversheet title field.
Customize the header:
Specify whether you want to display the custom logo in the header with the Show custom logo toggle.
Enter the Top center text and Top right text.
Specify where to display the Rigi logo by selecting the required option from the Rigi logo position dropdown list.
Click the Save button.
To reset text fields' default values, click the icons.
You can customize the template of an email that will be sent with the review report in the system menu >Server settings > Review > Review email.

In the To and CC fields, enter the email addresses that will be added by default to all review emails.
To add all the developers or project managers involved in a project, click on the field and select the required option from the dropdown list.
Field separator for Outlook and some other mail clients
Sometimes, the To and Cc fields incorrectly display the email recipients. It can be caused by the default Rigi separator (comma).
Some email clients, e.g., Outlook, use semicolons to separate email recipients.
If Outlook is your default mailing program, select the semicolon in the
system menu > My account > Preferences > Separate email recipients in email client (e.g. Outlook or Google mail) (for details, see the Configure your account settings > Preferences section).
Enter the email default Subject.
To reset the default value, click the
Customize the email body text:
Change the text as required.
Add the required variables (drag and drop variables from the right-hand side pane).
To restore the default email body, click the
icon in the top right-hand corner of the Body section, delete the current email body text, and perform the paste action.
Click the Save button.
Preview email
To preview your customized email, click the icon in the top right-hand corner of the Body section.
In the system menu >Server settings > Review > Review Settings, you can specify the following settings:

Allow reviewers to reopen review tasks. By default, a reviewer can reopen a completed review task as long as the project manager has not completed the review pack the task was part of.
Send email notifications to reviewers. By default, Rigi sends notifications to reviewers when new tasks are assigned, reassigned, closed, and completed.
If you switch this toggle off, reviewers will only receive an email to sign up for Rigi. This email will include the task name (e.g., GlobalReview for 'Customer name') so that the reviewers understand where the mail is coming from. You can also enter additional information for reviewers in the Additional text in sign-up emails field.
Many customers use quality management tools such as Global Review from Kaleidoscope. If these tools have an integration with Rigi, they can handle task reopening and notification sending.
In those cases, you must turn task reopening and notification sending off.