Capture manager
Rigi's Capture manager allows you to capture HTML previews of live applications to provide context for translators.

Capture manager displays the following information:
In the Current page area, you can see the number of strings on the page that is currently open in the live application:
New – strings that are not covered by previously captured HTML previews.
Unknown – strings that are not recognized for this project.
Covered – strings that are already covered by other HTML previews.
In the String list area, you can see the strings that are not covered by HTML previews. Use this list to find areas of the application that are not covered by HTML previews yet.
In the Coverage area, you can see the following data:
Total – number of all strings in this project. Ideally, you need to cover all strings with previews with context.
In context – the number of strings that are already covered by HTML previews.
Previews – the number of previews captured for this project.
In the Most recent previews area, you can see all the previews captured during the current session, edit their names and tags, or delete the unnecessary ones.
For more information about capturing previews, see the following guides: