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Rigi Documentation

Associate string identifiers with live links

Some web applications, such as PIM (Product information management systems, e.g., Asim) and CMS (Content management systems), have mappings that can be used to associate Rigi string identifiers with the URLs in which that string is used.

A string identifier can be associated with a maximum of one live link.

This article describes how to associate string identifiers with live links by importing a JSON file with mappings.

For the Asim tool, you can use the Rigi automation to generate a mapping file for a preexisting list of URLs. For details, see the Use the Rigi Live links generator for Asim to capture live links guide.

  1. Open the required project.

  2. In the project menu, select Context > Live links.

  3. Click the Import live links button.


  4. Select one or more files that contain the mapping between string identifiers and live URLs.


  5. (Optional) Select the Keep existing live links checkbox to ensure that existing live links will not be deleted. If selected, when a live link with the same string ID is imported, the existing one will be overwritten. Otherwise, existing links with the same string ID will be deleted before the new ones are added.

  6. Click the Upload button.

A list of strings with associated links will be displayed.


Now, translators can select the Live links editor mode. When a translator selects a text with a live link in the editor, this link will open in a second browser tab, and the selected text will be highlighted. For details, see the Translate using live links guide.

If there is no live link for the selected text, a translator will see the following message.


Live pages of CMS and PIM systems contain all texts behind UI elements, such as tabs, expansion buttons, accordions, tooltips, etc. Those texts appear when the UI element is selected.

Sometimes, when a translator selects a live link, the selected text is not displayed and highlighted because it is hidden within another element. A translator can click different elements until the selected text is displayed, or you can provide translators with CSS containing previews that display all the hidden elements.

To display hidden texts, use Chrome extensions, such as User JavaScript and CSS, that allow users to change the CSS and force the display attribute from none to block using the element ID.

For tabs

For example, to display the content of the following tab:


Paste this code into the extension:

.idm-tabs-content {
display: block !important;

For +- buttons

Click F12 to see the developer tools:


Paste this code into the extension:

.idm-accordion-opener  {
display: block !important;