Working in the Overview screen in Beta Workflow Editor
To be able to work in the Beta Workflow Editor, you need to enable it first. For details, see Enabling the Beta Workflow Editor.
If you display the Project Editor – Workflow tab in Beta, at the top of the screen you see the Overview section. In it, you see:
the Monitor progress of jobs section. – At the top of this section, a donut chart displays all jobs in the relevant project, divided into three categories. When you hover over one of the categories which are listed below the chart, the percentage of jobs in that category is displayed in the center of the chart. When you select one category, you display the Manage jobs view for the relevant job category. The job progress categories are:
Finished. – This category displays jobs whose workflow has already been finished. It is marked green on the donut chart.
In progress. – This category displays jobs whose workflow has already been started, but has not yet been finished. It is marked green on the blue chart.
Not started and pending. – This category displays jobs whose workflow has not yet been started and/or jobs that are pending. It is marked gray on the donut chart.
the Job due dates section. – At the top of this section, a donut chart displays all jobs in the relevant project, divided into three categories. When you hover over one of the categories which are listed below the chart, the percentage of jobs in that category is displayed in the center of the chart. When you select one category, you display the Manage jobs view for the relevant job category. The job progress categories are:
Overdue. – This category displays jobs whose due date has been exceeded. It is marked red on the donut chart.
Due today. – This category displays jobs which are due today. It is marked yellow on the donut chart.
Due in 3 days. – This category displays jobs which are due in 3 business days. It is marked gray on the donut chart.
In the top right-hand corner of the screen, you see:
the Send feedback button. – Select it to suggest changes and improvements in the way the new Workflow Editor works. For details see Sending feedback about the Beta Workflow Editor.
the context menu icon . – Select it to display these menu options:
Take a tour. – Use it at any time to learn more about the Beta Workflow Editor.
Report a bug. – Use it to report any bugs that you have noticed in the Beta Workflow Editor to XTM Support. When you select this option, you will be redirected to our Support Portal. For details, see Reporting a bug in the Beta Workflow Editor.
Beta resources. – Use it to jump to XTM Cloud documentation articles about the Beta Workflow Editor (the section you are reading now).
Switch to standard version. – Use it to return to the standard Workflow Editor. For details see Disabling the Beta Workflow Editor.
Below the Overview section, you see the Target languages section. In it, you see:
the Manage jobs button. – Use it to go to the Manage jobs view. In it, you can perform numerous actions. For details, see Working in Manage jobs view in Beta Workflow Editor).
each project target language, displayed in a separate section. The pre-processing language, if present, is always displayed first. It is marked with the Pre-processing label in the right-hand corner. It is followed by all languages whose workflow has been finished. Then, the remaining project target languages are presented, in alphabetical order. For each project target language you see if any workflow due dates are approaching, or all workflow steps have been finished yet. This information is represented by a different icon. When you hover over the icon for one of the languages whose workflow is in progress, you see the final due date for the relevant, currently unfinished job(s). When you select an icon, you display the Manage jobs view for the relevant job category. These icons are:
red calendar icon – indicates that some jobs in the relevant target language are overdue.
yellow calendar icon – indicates that some jobs in the relevant target language are due today.
gray calendar icon – indicates that some jobs in the relevant target language are due within the next three business days.
green checkmark icon – indicates that all jobs in the relevant target language have been finished.