Working in the Manage jobs view in Beta Workflow Editor
There are many ways to open the Manage jobs view. The way that you select affects the job types that you will see in the Manage jobs view. For details, see Viewing jobs in the Manage jobs view.
In the top left-hand corner of the screen, you see the Back to Overview button. Use it to return to the Overview view, in the Beta Workflow Editor.
In the Manage jobs view, the relevant jobs are displayed in a table containing these columns:
checkbox – Use checkboxes to bulk-assign Linguists and/or bulk-set due dates for the selected jobs. You can:
edit all jobs displayed on the current table page, in the Manage jobs view. To do so, select the checkbox in the table header.
edit all jobs in the project, displayed on all pages, in the Manage jobs view. To do so, select the checkbox in the table header. Then, use the Select all [number] jobs on all pages button that is displayed above the table when you select the checkbox in the table header. Now you can bulk manage all jobs listed in the Manage jobs view, on all pages.
select one or more checkboxes on the same table page to only manage the relevant jobs.
edit one or more jobs that are displayed on different table pages. To do so, first, display the relevant jobs on the same page. You can either adjust the number of entries that will be displayed on one page or filter jobs to ensure you see all relevant jobs on the same page, in the table, in the Manage jobs view. Next, select all required checkboxes.
Job – This column displays the relevant file name. Values are sortable in ascending/descending order.
Segments – This column displays the number of segments in the relevant file. The split file icon indicates that the relevant file has been split into bundles. At this point, it is not possible to manage bundles in the Beta Workflow Editor. To manage bundles, return to the standard workflow editor (for details, see Disabling the Beta Workflow Editor). If you want to find out how to manage bundles in the standard workflow editor, see Splitting a file into bundles.
Workflow – This column displays all workflow steps in the relevant job. It contains information about:
the stage of each relevant workflow step – steps are color-coded:
Gray – This workflow step has not been started yet.
Blue – This workflow step has been started and is now in progress.
Green – This workflow step has already been finished.
the blocking mechanism – marked by the vertical lines used between the relevant workflow steps:
No line – Steps can be processed at the same time. This blocking mechanism is the same as the comma icon in the standard workflow editor.
Dashed vertical line – The next step in a bundle cannot be started until the previous step in that bundle is finished. This blocking mechanism is the same as the arrow right icon in the standard workflow editor.
Straight line – The next step cannot be started until the previous step for all the bundles is finished. This blocking mechanism is the same as the hashtag icon in the standard workflow editor.
the assignee types:
Linguists – If a single Linguist has been selected for the relevant workflow step, you will see their name in the relevant workflow step, in the jobs table in the Manage jobs view.
User groups – If a user group has been selected for the relevant workflow step, you will see the user group icon and the group name, in the relevant workflow step, in the table in the Manage jobs view.
LSP – If an LSP has been selected for the relevant workflow step, you will see the link icon and the LSP name in the relevant workflow step in the jobs table in the Manage jobs view.
Many translators – If the relevant file has been split into bundles, in the standard workflow editor, and different Linguists, user groups or LSPs have been assigned to different bundles.
If the relevant file has been split into bundles, you can only assign the same Linguist, user group or LSP to all bundles in that file, in the Job details popup. To assign different Linguists, user groups or LSPs to different bundles, disable the Beta Workflow Editor (for details, see Disabling the Beta Workflow Editor) and use the standard workflow editor.
Target language – This column is hidden if there is only one project target language or if you have selected a value for the Target languages filter. In the latter case, you see selected language filters above the table, on the left-hand side. For details, see Filtering jobs in the Manage jobs view.
Due date – This column displays the final workflow due date. It is hidden if the projects and jobs have no due dates set. Values are sortable in ascending/descending order. If the date has a background which is:
gray – this job is due within the next 3 business days.
yellow – this job is due today.
red – this job is overdue.
context menu , at the right-hand side of the screen. Use it to open XTM Workbench.
In the bottom left-hand corner of the table, you can set the number of entries that will be displayed on one page:
In the top and bottom right-hand corner of the table, you see the number of pages containing entries.
When you select a table row, the Job details popup containing the details for the relevant job is displayed. You can use the popup to:
In the Manage jobs view, you can also:
Some actions can only be performed in the standard workflow editor. For details, see Limitations of Beta Workflow Editor.