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XTM Cloud 13.9

Viewing the list of projects in your project group from the Project groups tab

Procedure. To view the list of projects in your project group from the Project groups tab:
  1. Select Projects > Project groups.

  2. Select the context menu icon elipsis.svg next to the selected project group.

  3. From the dropdown list, select Show projects.

    Result: You will automatically be redirected to the Projects > Project list > Advanced search tab. The project group name will be displayed on the left-hand side of the Groups dropdown and the projects in the selected group will be displayed on the Project list.


The list containing the projects in a selected project group only displays the projects to which Project Managers have access.

When a project group is managed from the context menu elipsis.svg in the Projects > Project groups tab screen, Project Managers can also only update these projects, in the selected group to which they have access.