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XTM Cloud 13.9

Viewing the list of projects in a project filter
Procedure. To view the list of projects in your project filter:
  1. Select Projects > Project list.

  2. Select one of these tabs:

    • Simple search.

    • Advanced search.

    • Action.

  3. On the right-hand side, expand the Filters dropdown list.

  4. From the Filters dropdown list, select a filter to display its projects.


    The project filters marked with the user icon circle-user-solid.svg are only visible to you.

    Some project filters are predefined and you cannot delete them, edit them, update their criteria or change their name. You can view the list of projects that are matching their criteria. Also, you can save one of them as your default project filter from the Filters dropdown. The predefined filters are:

    • All not started projects.

    • All overdue projects.

    • All overdue steps.

    • All partly finished projects.

  5. At the bottom of the Filters dropdown list, select Save.


The relevant project filter name will be displayed on the right-hand side. Also, the projects in the selected saved filter are displayed in the sorting order set in the saved filter, in all Project list tab screens. This also applies if you switch to a different XTM Cloud tab, and then go back to Project list. If you have previously performed a search in the Simple search tab screen, the buttons will be deactivated and the text field will be cleared. Also, if you have set a default project filter, it will be deactivated temporarily. If you sort projects in the relevant saved filter in a different way, but do not save the changes by editing a project filter, your most recent sorting order will be kept for the duration of the session.