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XTM Cloud 13.9

Settings — Project: Joining files in sets

The Configuration > Settings > Projects > Joining files in sets section provides the configuration for joining files during project creation.


The file joining options are not available for bilingual files.

When files are joined:

  • The pre-processing feature cannot be used.

  • Project target languages cannot be changed after the project is created.

  • It is not possible to update single files in the joined files in continuous project mode.

  • Visual mode cannot be enabled in XTM Workbench.

Procedure. File join settings

Defines whether the file joining options are disabled, displayed in the simple or extended form. When file joining is enabled for a project, languages cannot be updated in the project.

  1. Select Configuration > Settings > Projects.

  2. In the Joining files in sets section, select the Default value setting:

    • File join on.

    • File join off.

  3. Select Save.

This option sets the file joining option as activated or deactivated by default during project creation.

Configuration > Settings > Projects > Joining files in sets > Join files by When the extended interface is selected for the settings, it is possible to join files by:

  • Extension: all files with the same extension are merged and displayed in the project as one.

  • DITA Map level: files matching a specified DITA map level will be merged and displayed in the project as one. Files are joined only within a given substructure of the specified level which means there can be multiple resultant files of the same level. The number of resultant files matches the number of parallel substructures of the specified level. XTM recognizes the depth of DITA map structures based on <topichead> and <topicref> tags. Their presence is required for the DITA Map level files joining to work. The resultant file names inherit the structure name and names of files joined together.

Example 1

Table 10. DITA Map levels

DITA Map level 0

all files will be merged into one

DITA Map level 1

files within each substructure of level 1 will be merged into one

DITA Map level 2

files within each substructure of level 2 will be merged into one but files of substructure level 1 will not be merged

DITA Map level 3

files within each substructure of level 3 will be merged into one but files of substructure levels 2 and 1 will not be merged

Example 2

Table 11. DITA Map levels

DITA Map level 0

one resultant file is generated from all files uploaded for translation

DITA Map level 1

one resultant file is generated from all files within group “b”

DITA Map level 2

all files from topichead “a” are merged into one file, file 14.dita remains separate

DITA Map level 3

all files from topcicref “a” are merged into one file, file 14.dita remains separate

DITA Map level 4

all files from topcicref “a” are merged into one file, files 13.dita and 14.dita remain separate

<topichead navtitle="b">
    <topichead navtitle="a">
        <topicref type="topic" id="a" href="topic/section/9.dita">
            <topicref navtitle="test section" type="topic" id="a" href="topic/section/10.dita">
                <topicref type="topic" id="4" href="topic/section/11.dita"/>
                <topicref type="topic" id="4" href="topic/section/12.dita"/></topicref>
            <topicref type="topic" id="a" href="topic/section/13.dita"/></topicref>
    <topicref type="topic" id="a" href="topic/section/14.dita"/>

XTM supports DITA packages with customized DITA root node names. Joined DITA files can be displayed in XTM Workbench according to the hierarchy defined in the DITA map.