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XTM Cloud 13.9

Setting the value of the XTM Portal cost status parameter

The XTM Portal cost status parameter determines which value will be displayed in the Cost status column in XTM Portal's XTM Projects tab.

When the project has been created via XTM Portal, the value of the XTM Portal cost status parameter will automatically be set to null at the database level.

In the General info section of the Project Editor > General info tab, a dropdown menu will be displayed for the XTM Portal cost status parameter.

No callback related to the cost status will be sent to XTM Portal until the value of the XTM Portal cost status parameter will be changed in the Project Editor.

Procedure. To set the value of XTM Portal cost status parameter:


To set the value to Approved, you first need to correctly generate costs in the Project Editor in the Estimates > Costs tab. For details on generating costs see the Costs tab description.

  1. Select Projects > Project list.

  2. Select the relevant project.

  3. In the Project Editor, select the General info tab.

  4. In the General info section, from the dropdown select one of the available values for the parameter XTM Portal cost status:

    • Approved – To select this value you first need to correctly generate costs. For details on generating costs see the Costs tab description.

    • To be approved.

    • Not required.

  5. At the bottom of the page, select Save.

The callback associated with the cost status will be sent to XTM Portal and the relevant value will be displayed in the Cost status column of the XTM Portal's XTM Projects tab.

If you selected the status Approved, in XTM Portal's XTM Projects tab, the Cost ID of the latest generated costs will also be included in the callback and displayed in XTM Portal when you hover over the search-dollar-solid.png icon.