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XTM Cloud 13.9

Setting an avatar and a nickname on the Configuration tab
Procedure. To set your avatar on the Configuration tab:
  1. Select Configuration > User details.

  2. In the User details tab screen, hover over the user icon user_circle_brand_refreshed.svg.

  3. Select plus-solid_black.svg Add photo.

  4. In the file upload popup, find the picture that you would like to use as your avatar. Then, select Open or double-click the picture.


The selected avatar is displayed instead of the user icon user_circle_brand_refreshed.svg in the Configuration > User details tab screen and in the right corner of the top navigation bar.

Other chat participants see your avatar in a chat box next to your messages, if they have enabled the Show avatars in chat window parameter in the gear_outline_brand_refreshed.svg Chat configuration.


You will not see your own avatar and nickname in a chat box.

Procedure. To set your nickname on the Configuration tab:
  1. Select Configuration > User details.

  2. In the User details tab screen, select the General info tab.

  3. Fill the Nickname text field.

  4. At the bottom of the User details tab screen, select Save.


Your new nickname is visible to other chat participants in a chat box next to your messages.