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XTM Cloud 13.9

Selecting a Project Manager for all projects in a group

Procedure. To select a Project Manager for all projects in a group:
  1. Select Projects > Project groups.

  2. For the relevant project group, select the context menu icon elipsis.svg on the right-hand side of the screen.

  3. From the context menu, select Manage projects.

  4. In the Manage projects in group popup, select the General tab.

  5. Select a Project manager for all projects in a group.

  6. At the bottom of the popup, select:

    • Save to confirm changes before moving to the next tab or before closing the Manage projects in group popup using the xmark-light.svg icon.

    • Close to cancel your changes.


The list containing the projects in a selected project group only displays the projects to which Project Managers have access.

When a project group is managed from the context menu elipsis.svg in the Projects > Project groups tab screen, Project Managers can also only update these projects, in the selected group to which they have access.